

Tokyo Godfathers + White Elephant Gift Exchange

Exam season is a busy time, but it's also a time for joy, celebration, and relaxation. Come de-stress with your friends at UTAMA with a very special screening of Satoshi Kon's masterpiece, Tokyo Godfathers, and a special White Elephant Gift Exchange!

What is a White Elephant Gift Exchange, you may ask? Very good question! A White Elephant Gift Exchange is a type of Secret Santa where each player brings a gift to contribute to a pool and players take turns choosing gifts -- either from the pool or they have the option to steal others' gifts until all of them are taken. A full list of rules can be found here:

Gifts purchased MUST be within a price range of $10-20 and it bears mentioning that you do NOT have to play Secret Santa to attend the screening -- you can come out for either the movie, or the Secret Santa, or both.

We know you'll be busy studying for exams, but what better way to de-stress than with a movie and a fun game? Hope to see you there!

For further details and updates, keep up with the Facebook event here.

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