

Rambling on a bit

So tonight I had a couple people in who wanted to buy a bunny.   A gal came with a friend.   I thought she was coming for one, but she came for two.

She had a bunny that died recently from ovarian cancer.    I learned that this rabbit had been spayed, but it still got ovarian cancer.   It seems there are a couple of ways to do surgery... one that is risky but more complete, and one that is less risky but leaves a wee bit of tissue behind.  THAT tissue can get hormonal and grow into cancer.   Weird huh?

So sad for the gal though as she'd gotten her spayed in order to avoid some of that rotten disease.

Anyways it was kinda cute.

I had the four young boy bunnies out on the floor.   Guarding them from the cats.  

This young fellow was being a real charmer. He kept hopping up into the lap of the young man.  He was so into him, it was really fun to see.  BUT that young charmer didn't go home with them.   He reminded the gal too much of the doe that she lost.  As well as the face that the gal really liked the look of the broken black boy, and then the broken orange was such a laid back baby that it ended up going along with.  Two brothers, but quite different in their personalities.

 This lad a quite laid back kit for the most part.
This lad into EVERYTHING in life.  Busy busy busy.

Anyways, it's always nice letting bunnies go into homes that are experienced with raising rabbits.  And being able to chat bunnies with people.  Always a good thing.

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