

[Dec 27] Holiday Ice Skating Event

Where: Natrel Ice Rink by Harborfront
When: Saturday December 27th, 2014
Time: 8PM
Meeting place is Union Station @

If any questions or lost, text our event coordinator Stephen at 416 276-8798

"We'll head down to the Natrel Rink and have some fun in downtown Toronto, skating, sipping hot chocolate and whatever else peeps want."

There are skate rentals for $5 and hot chocolate.
If you can't skate, we've got members who can teach you!

Facebook Page:
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Election! - Lower Year Representative

Good news, everyone who has ever dreamed of joining the UTAMA exec team!

During our next general meeting, on January 16th, we will be holding an election for the position of LOWER YEAR REPRESENTATIVE! During this meeting, all candidates will be expected to make a short speech (up to a maximum of one minute) to introduce themselves to the voters and make their case.

This position is for someone who is outgoing, sociable, and passionate about our members~
The main responsibility of the lower year representative is to engage with first and second year students within our club, making them feel welcome and included during our meetings and social outings. While it is preferable that this position is held by someone in first or second year at UofT, this is not necessary, so third and fourth year students shouldn't be discouraged from running!

If you are interested in this position, please send the following short and simple application to by DECEMBER 28th~
(pls keep it short pls)

- - -
Full Name:
Program and Year of Study:
How long you have been a UTAMA member:
An explanation of why you are interested in the position:
A brief summary of any previous leadership roles or relevant experience:
Any other information that you feel makes you a good candidate and you have not yet mentioned:
- - -

This application is meant to help us determine if you are a good fit for the position, and the exec team does reserve the right to reject applications in the best interests of the club (if, for example, we get too many interested candidates).


if you want to run for lower year representative
- be a UofT student
- fill out the application
- send it to by December 28th
- the election is on January 16th so be ready with a 1-minute speech!

Good luck, everyone!

PS: if you have any questions about the position or application, feel free to send us an email and we'll get back to you ASAP ~
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Holiday Lunch + Dinner [Dec 21st]

Date: Sunday, December 21st, 2014
11-12AM - Drop off food at the office fridge (21 Sussex Ave, rm 510)
1PM - Korean BBQ (Korean Grill House)
4PM~ - Chill
6PM - Potluck Chowndown

Click For Facebook Event Page

Yo members, after the amazing turnout of the anniversary we wanted to end the year on a cozy little note. So, our resident wombats, dragons and other magical beasts, have decided on having a day to chill, eat and have a great time before we bunker down for the holiday lineup.

In short, we'll be hitting up Korean Grill House at 1 p.m. for the all you can eat meat. when we're done we'll head back to 21 Sussex (the club building) and chill for a bit, play games, listen to music - all that.

Now, here's the fun part: we'll be doing a potluck for dinner. For this, make sure you don't make anything with meat, milk, eggs, etc. Also, be mindful to label and handle common allergy items with care (nuts and the like). Please remember to give a safe summary of the ingredients you use.

*********Please RVSP with going or not going so we can make an accurate reservation for the grillhouse.

************More event details to come!
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Cosplay Workshop: Sewing! Nov 17

When: Monday November 17 @ 6 - 8 PM
Where: Sidney Smith Room 1084
Facebook Event Page:

Not much to say. Come and learn how to sew your own cosplays!
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10th Anniversary Event!

It's here! UTAMA is finally having its decade-long anniversary and we want you to come celebrate it with us. 10 whole years makes it one of the longer lasting clubs at U of T so we want to throw a big party to appreciate this milestone. Here's to remembering good times and to making nerdy anime memories for the future.

What: Semi-formal party
Where: Hart House's Music Room
When: November 28th, 2014, 7pm - midnight
Cost: $15 per person. $20 at the door

There will be live music! Debuting our own Light Music Club and MilkyWay, our idol group.
There will be food catering and drinks! (Please bring legal ID if consuming alcohol. Student cards won't work!)
There will be dancing to end the night (and if you're not into that, then don't feel pressured! We will have awesome (anime-related) music and cozy lounging)

You can purchase the tickets at any of our office hours. Remember, it's $20 at the door so get them while they're fresh~

The dress code is semi-formal. You can come in cosplay, but please make it semi-formal! This means, preferably, something more than just t-shirts and jeans. We encourage you dress to impress. A dress shirt? A skirt? Something more?

If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know when you purchase your ticket!

We hope to see you in our office hours and at the party!
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Art Meet No. 2!

Facebook Page:
When: Friday November 14, @ 4PM - 6PM
Where: OISE 2198

Hello! About time another meet was set up I hope you're all up to drawing together again.

This time round I'm gonna be starting the whole tutorial based side of things so we'll be focusing on figures and poses etcetc.

Yet again it would be appreciated if you guys could come with paper and pencil but I guess I'll bring more than I did last time just in case.

I'll probably have a sheet for secret santa sign ups too in case people need it.

- Lynn
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November General Meeting!

When: Thursday November 13th, 4PM - 9PM
Where: OISE 2199 and 2212

so you know the drill: we gon get together and watch some anime and chill and play some games BUT THERE'S MORE

We are going to:
- begin our raffle for MADOKA FIGURE DUN DUN DUN
- have a bake sale hosted by the lovely ladies of MiLKY☆WAY (yeee dat rite our very own kawaii idol group) SO MAKE SURE YOU BRING SOME $$ AND SUPPORT THEM
- start selling tickets to our upcoming 10th Anniversary of UTAMA celebration (SO BRING SOME MORE $ GOMEN NOT GOMEN BECAUSE IT'S GOING TO BE AMAZING)

An anime poll will be posted in the next day or two so make sure you voooote!

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UTAMA-Chan Page

For everyone who has Facebook, we've introduced UTAMA-Chan's own page where she will post nothing but updates, events, and anime-related notifications! The UTAMA Facebook group will still be active to relay information and for members to chat about, but for the fastest updates and easiest method of seeing UTAMA-related activity, check out the Facebook page!
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October General Meeting

The October meeting is finally here!

Friday October 24th, 4PM - 9PM
OISE Room 4410 - watch anime in here! (TBA)
OISE Room 4422 - socializing!

Facebook Page:

Due to critical feedback from last meeting's attendees, we have decided to include the option of either socializing or watching anime this meeting, this gives you the option of moving between rooms at your leisure!

Cosplay/ Halloween costumes are welcome!

(Please note: the way the last meeting was run, will not be the general procedure for how future meetings will be run. Due to constraints by the university and their booking policies, we only had so much room to hold the audience and to do other activities, we apologize if the first meeting discouraged anyone from attending our future general meetings)
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List of October Events! [15th-31st]

Hey everybody! Here's the list of upcoming October events. Good luck with mid terms!

October 15th (Wednesday)

UTAMA Panel: Slice of Life @ 5:30-7 PM in the club room (21 Sussex Avenue Room 532)
Hosted by Tina [facebook link]
Come join us for a cup of tea at the UTAMA office as we sit back, relax, and talk about our favourite slice of life anime. A great way to de-stress and appreciate the simpler moments in (2d) life.

What is slice of life?

Karaoke Night @ 7 PM - 9:30 PM, meet in the club room (21 Sussex Avenue Room 532)
Hosted by Stephen [facebook link]
We're going to BMB Karaoke! $6 for 2 hours.

October 24th (Friday)

Halloween General Meeting - Details to be announced soon!

October 31th (Friday)

Spooktography! A Halloween Photoshoot
[facebook link]
Hosted by Meghan (Guest hosted by Rae and Xavier)

5PM - 7PM Afternoon Photoshoot. Meet at Sidney Smith 5PM sharp!
Location is between Sir Daniel Wilson Residence and University College. The court yard in UC along with the big open quad between the two areas.

For not-so-scary costumes who prefer daytime shots while the sun is still up!
It's across Sidney Smith, just north west of King's College Circle

7PM - 9PM Night Shoot. Meet at Museum Station, 7PM sharp!
Location is at Trinity College.
Get spooky. Or not.

Note: There is a chance of rain for the entire day. We advise you bring your own umbrella, poncho, or anything in case the worst happens!

If you are lost, please have Xavier's phone number on you: 416 831-0967. If you miss the meeting time, just find a bunch of strange looking people in the listed locations. Have fun!
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UTAMA Orientation: Art Studio & Light Music Club [Oct 3]

Hey UTAMA, so you may or may not know, but within our major group we also have a Light Music Club and an Art Studio.

UTAMA Art Studio

The Art Studio is a sub-group for all the artists, soon-to-be-artists, and just those who love drawing and being visually creative in UTAMA. It's a group run by our art director, Lynn.
The first art studio meet is on Friday October 3rd.

Art Studio Orientation Event: 
Location: Sydney Smith (100 St. George) in room #2129
Time: 4PM - 6PM
Hello! This will be the first meeting of this year, I hope you'll be able to attend.

For the first meet it'll generally be introductory and involve activities where you get to know each other and the group in general.

Please at least bring a pen/pencil with you, and maybe paper but I'll have some if you don't! Event is free to both UTAMA members and non-members but food will not be provided for this meet.

Please fill out our survey if you have the time so we can get to know you before you show up! 

UTAMA Light Music Club

The Light Music Club (LMC) is a sub-group for UTAMA musicians of various skills who want to come together and jam to music from/related to anime, video games, vocaloid, and J-Pop. The LMC is run by our Music Director, Kevin (a.k.a. the guy with the horse head).

Location: OISE C154
Time: 7PM - 11PM
Hello everybody,

To those of you who have not done the survey yet, please do so, link is here:

Secondly (and this is important so you better listen up), we will be having an orientation meeting on October 3rd at 7:00 at OISE C154 (meeting will end whenever we finish, but we can chill and stuff too).

Now, not all of you can probably make that time, so I will post the meeting notes in the Facebook group after it happens. Basically, although I now know what most of you play and your tastes in anime/manga/etc., this is a great opportunity for you to do so and meet like-minded people and to discuss some ideas on what we wanna play (especially those of you who want to be idols), but also for us to as a group establish some ground rules, divide into groups and some admin stuff.

We SHOULD ideally start auditions the week after our orientation meeting because MCI should be running and hopefully we will have practice space. I predict that we will start our rehearsals in maybe mid to late October if things go smoothly.

Anyways, let's keep our fingers crossed, and I hope to see most of you there.


Kevin H
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Upcoming September Events! Panels, Events, and Workshops!

Thank you all for coming to our big General Meeting this September! A lot more people showed up than we anticipated, and I hope you all had a good time.

If you couldn't show up, or if it wasn't what you expected, well no fear! UTAMA has plenty of other events this month for you. Hopefully one of them is fit for you. Some with more socializing, some for more niche types of events for you to meet new people and have a good time!

Monday September 22, 2014

Discussion Panel #1: Sports Anime

Sydney Smith Hall, Room 2114 @ 6pm
Facebook Group
Description: Whether you like old school or new school sports anime, all are welcome to hop in and join UTAMA for a panel of discussing what makes sports anime so special and full of spirit. Both geeing out and serious discussions are encouraged! Light snacks will be served.
Hosted by Mendy and Ira.

Saturday September 27th, 2014

Otaku Orientation + Dinner

Location: Meet at the clubroom! 21 Sussex Drive, Room 532 @ 11 AM
Facebook Group:
Meet at the UTAMA Office on Sussex (5th floor) at 11 a.m. We'll head around some local places that cater to our hobbies, then we'll grab some lunch at 1 p.m. (Ajisen). Feel free to drop by Ajisen for the lunch part if that's what does it for ya.

Hosted by Stephen.

Tuesday, September 30th, 2014

UTAMA Discussion Panel #2 - Subs and Dubs

Location: Sydney Smith Hall (100 St. George Street), Room #1080
Facebook Group:
An in-depth discussion of
- the pros and cons of BOTH subtitled and dubbed anime (with examples)
- evolution of dubbed/ subtitled anime

Please note as this has been a heavily debated/ heated topic amongst the anime community for quite some time, I ask that you come with an open mind and respectable attitude towards different opinions, no mindless bashing will be tolerated.
Hosted by Meghan

Friday, October 3rd, 2014

Cosplay Workshop #1: Getting Started!

Location: Sydney Smith Room 1080 @ 6pm
Facebook Group:
Description: UTAMA's first Cosplay Workshop is here! We'll be going through all the basics of cosplay (choosing an outfit, creating a budget, making a guid ego simplify the project) and socialize with fellow UTAMA cosplayers! It's a meet and greet, an introductory workshop, and it'll be a great time!
In order for this to be more interactive, please bring:
Notebook (for sketching)
Reference images (the more the better!)

Hosted by Meghan.

Gameplay Game Day @ Castle and A&C World

Location: A&C World ( 452 Spadina Avenue )
Facebook Group:
I know this is an anime and manga club, but we also have a pretty big player base, if you know what I mean. So, let's hit up the board games and video games. We'll head out to Castle and A&C World (South of Spadina and College). Stay as long or as short as you like.

5$ Covers admission to A&C World (2$ for controller rentals)
2.5$/hour for Castle

NOTE: I know this conflicts with our K-ON, Art and cosplay subdivisions. For those conflicted, go to the other orientations, there'll be tons of other opportunities.
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Fall Semester Office Hours Released!

Hey everyone!
Our office hours for the 2014-2015 Fall semester has been released!
Come visit us and chat, buy memberships, or just hang out.

We're located at 21 Sussex Drive
Visit the Office Hours page for more info about what this is.
Visit the Execs page for more info about who these people are!
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First General Meeting of 2014 [Update: Room 120!]

When: Friday September 19th from 4pm until 9pm
Where: Galbraith building room 220 120
Facebook Event Page:

Welcome (back) to school! Bet you're already ready to relax.
UTAMA's having our first general meeting of the 2014-2015 school year very soon and we hope you'll come down, watch some anime, eat some (provided) food, play some games with all of anime club, and meet new people (or just enjoy watching anime on a big screen).

For all the newcomers, there is indeed a fee. You can purchase a membership at the door.
Pay at the door: $3
Half-year membership: $6
Yearly membership: $12

The meeting will officially start at 5, but we suggest arriving early to get your preferred seats and not wait in line! You may also stop by the club office at 21 Sussex between 2-4 to pick up a membership ahead of time and skip the line altogether.

We will be watching:
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun

Feel free to casual cosplay or wear some anime accessories if you'd like. I guarantee you, you wouldn't be the only one doing it!

See you all there!
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UTAMA @ U of T Club Day

UTAMA is beginning the year off by making an appearance at U of T's official Club Fair day on September 3rd from 10am to 2pm!

Come seek out our booth in The Purple Section at Table #6 and have a chat with our execs or fellow club members. We'd love to see you whether you're a freshman or returning member.

At our booth, you can...
Sign up for a membership
Meet our execs and cosplayers
Get some free anime merch
Check out what we have to offer for the year
... and hopefully meet some new people who share your hobbies and interests

Don't be afraid to introduce yourself to us and we'll be sure to kick off your 2014-2015 school year with a good start!

U of T Clubs Fair link:
UTAMA Facebook page:
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August KBBQ + Karaoke! [+Pictures!]

Thanks for coming everybody!

Karaoke - BMB Karaoke - 3 - 9 p.m
Dinner - Korean Grill House - 10 p.m - close 

August 22nd, Friday

Before we start school in a month, get a head start on meeting fellow UTAMA members and executives! Have questions? We will be there to answer them, all while singing and eating

(If you cannot make it we will see you on September 3rd for Club's Day at Frosh!)

Facebook Event Page:
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July Obligatory UTAMA Beach Episode! [Info Update]


When: July 22nd (Tues)
Where: Kew-Balmy Beach

Click for the official Facebook event page


Here it is, UTAMA's watermelon-smashing day at the beach! (sans the watermelon smashing cause we're not cleaning that up!)

We are going to meet on TUESDAY, JULY 22ND, at 1PM, at the baseball bleachers in Kew Gardens.

There are two ways to get there.

- go to Main Station on the Bloor-Danforth subway line (the green one)
- take bus 64 SOUTHBOUND
- get off at the QUEEN STREET NORTH SIDE stop
- walk a block west to Lee Ave
- then a bit south and to your right and voila! You should see the bleachers!

- go to Queen Station on the Yonge-University-Spadina line (the yellow one)
- take streetcar 501 EASTBOUND
- get off at the LEE AVENUE stop
- walk a bit south and to your right and yaaaay you're at the bleachers!

Meet some execs at the SPADINA STATION bus bay at 12PM and we'll take you to the party~

- - -


- UTAMA will bring some water and other drinks but you should definitely bring your own water bottle(s) with you just in case
- we will also bring some light snacks, but please bring your own food so that you aren't hungry! There are also loads of food places to choose from nearby on Queen Street, so you can just bring lunch money if that's easier~

call or text IRA at 647-921-6904 and we'll get you sorted out (pls include your name so that i know who you are~)
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June 18 - Board Game Night

Thank you everybody for coming out! We had an awesome turnout of around 15 people and we hope to do this again! See you all next time!


Wednesday, June 18th, 2014 @ 3PM until whenever
Snakes And Lattes 

Finally, we're getting our first board game night off the ground. It'll be held at Snakes and Lattes at 3:00 p.m. on the 18th (next wednesday), but Stephen (Events Coordinator) be there a bit earlier just 'cause.

What are we gonna do there? Chill and play games for however long we want. It's 5$ to get in, and you'll pay for whatever nomnoms you want to get. I suggest you eat beforehand/get a group and catch some dinner after. Please bring your money in cash!

Feel free to form smaller groups if you want. We're just here to chill and have fun.

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Centre Island Picnic [+Pictures]

Thank you everybody for coming out! It was a ton of fun.

Official Facebook Page:

UPDATE June 12: We'll be meeting at the ferry docks at 11am!
We will probably be standing 10 feet from that rock, traffic lights, and hotdog stand, holding a giant UTAMA sign! If you can't see us, then you're probably as oblivious as we are but if we do see you, we'll probably call you out in a loud, embarrassing voice. There's a contact number at the end of the page - put it in your phones ASAP!


At your wit's end? Bored out of your mind because summer's here and no one's free to fangirl? Fret no more, UTAMA's here to the rescue!
Part your curtains. Take a look: it's a beautiful day outside and that's precisely why we're inviting you out to our summer picnic! Prepare your best bentos and meet us at Union Station the docks at 11am – Centre Island is waiting~!
We hope to see you all there!

Okay, so the important boring stuff...
When: June 28th, 2014 @ 11am - 6pm (technically 12-5)
Where: Centre Island
What: Having a nice UTAMA picnic!
We will meet at Union Station at 11am and take the ferry to the island as a group.
The ferry roundtrip is $7. Bring $10 just in case. There will be rides and food at the island, but please bring your own snacks and drinks, and maybe a blanket! Maybe some games, too.
During this day, the Toronto Cosplay Picnic will be taking place on the island. Feel free to branch off and socialize with anyone, or stick with us! There will be tons of cosplayers around, so we encourage you to come in cosplay!
We will be leaving the island at 5pm.

If there's any confusion on the day of, you can text or call our event's coordinator, Stephen at 416 276 8797.
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Anime North 2014

Anime North is just around the corner! We are planning on meeting up on Saturday May 24th, but we want to make sure you can come.

You can vote for the best time here.
And check out the AN Schedule here.
And the pocket program here.
The Facebook event page is here.

Click here for a powerpoint made by Meghan explaining everything you need to know about Anime North.

Feel free to comment with questions and concerns. You can ask to be unpublished and just leave an e-mail if you want a personal response!
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High Park Cherry Blossom Cosplay Picnic [+ Pictures!]

Thank you all so much for coming to the event! It was tons of fun, even with the rain, and I hope you all had a great time. If not, then PLEASE complain to us!

Here are some pictures from the event.


Date has been changed to May 14, 2014 2-7PM due to rain.
May 12th, 2014, 2-7PM
Please see update here.

Facebook Page:

The meeting place for those interested will be at the Southern entrance of the park (2 minutes away from the High Park subway station), specifically at Colborne Lodge, please look at the map below, it's circled in red.

You can text Meghan at (905)767-1280 on the day of if you will be late/are lost/want to be picked up from High Park station. Please include who you are!

High Park's got some cherry blossom trees blooming!

Unwind and embrace a well-deserved break from your school and the Canadian winter. Eat tasty food, wear comfy clothes, and come relax on our first Summer break outing - a picnic!

Wear a cosplay and get some pictures taken with the cherry blossoms!We hope to contact YAMA as well.

For food, bring anything you like - your own lunch, or some snacks to share!

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April General Meeting - Final Meet of the School Year :'(

Date: Friday, April 4th, 2014
Time: 5pm - 9pm
Location: Sid Smith 1072

Anime to Watch: Durarara!!, Daily Lives of High School Boys, Psycho-Pass
Raffle: We will finally be drawing the winners for our Mega Raffle! You have to be there if you want your prize ~

Description: Aaaaaah it's hard to believe but the school year is finally over ~
Get together with UTAMA for a fantabulous meeting to celebrate your survival! We'll have food, awesometastic anime, our radlicious raffle, and an Executive Election! Make sure you attend the meeting to vote for your favourite candidates to be your execs next year ~
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facebook event page

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A membership is required to attend this event and can be purchased at the door for $2.

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The Fight Before Christmas

The Fight Before Christmas Damian Ross, The Elf Defense Company 'Twas the fight before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St....
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Too Old or Injured for Self Defense?- Damian Ross, the self defense company

Too Old or Injured to Learn Self Defense? Fact: If you're older, injured and appear to be weaker you're more likely targeted as a victim. Damian Ross, The Self Defense Company Just like you see on the Discovery Channel - Predators Attack the W...
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The Hardest Thing About Self Defense

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.
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Cosplay Cafe

Cosplay Bake Sale

March 28, 2014
Sidney Smith Lobby
9:00am - 5:00pm
Description: UTAMA is hosting a cosplay cafe/bake sale to raise money for SickKids Foundation. Come out and see our lovely ladies and gentlemen in gorgeous outfits. Did we mention we'll be selling food too?  You do not need to dress up to attend!  Most of the people in outfits will be volunteers who are hosting this event.
Facebook event page:

Cosplay Cafe
April 1, 2014
Faculty of Medicine Student Commons (aka Med. Sci Lobby)
9:00am - 6:00pm
Description: UTAMA is hosting a cosplay cafe/bake sale to raise money for SickKids Foundation. Med. Sci Lobby is big enough for us to set up several tables to make it a more cafe-like atmosphere.  You do not need to dress up to attend!  Most of the people in outfits be will volunteers who are hosting this event.
Facebook event page:
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Anime North Group Registration

For those who group registered for Anime North, please check the emails that you added to my list for a copy of your ticket. If you haven't received it, please message me and I will send you a copy as I have a master list in case this happens.

P.S: PLEASE PRINT YOUR OWN TICKET BEFORE YOU COME TO THE CON. I am not able to print anything when I get there (I will be there Thursday afternoon). If you need a copy, please message me before May 22nd for a copy of your ticket.
There is QR scanning available for those who may be unable to print your ticket, PLEASE BE AWARE THOUGH, IT DOES NOT WORK FOR ALL PHONES.
P.P.S - If you cannot make it at the last minute and want to refund it, please send an email to BEFORE MAY 16th. If someone else wants the ticket and you cannot make it, you may change the name on the ticket. In order to do this, send an email to with your name and the name you want to change it to.
Hope to see you there!

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Cosplay Workshop #2 - Props and Weapons!

Date: Saturday, March 15th, 2014
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Location: 21 Sussex Ave (our office building!), room 415

Description: Thank you for everyone who attended our sewing workshop this past Monday! This one will be hosted by the talented Lydia and we will focus on props, weapons, and how to make them! Bring all your questions and prepare to learn awesome stuff!
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facebook event page

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The Hardest Thing About Self Defense

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.
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The Seven Signs Your Instructor's a Pussy - Damian Ross, The Self Defense Company

The Seven Signs Your Instructor's a Pussy Anti-violent mantras from the mouths of  martial artists If you spent any time in a martial arts uniform, somewhere, someone along the line has told you to never use your art for violence. I call bullsh...
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The Fight Before Christmas

The Fight Before Christmas Damian Ross, The Elf Defense Company 'Twas the fight before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St....
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Too Old or Injured for Self Defense?- Damian Ross, the self defense company

Too Old or Injured to Learn Self Defense? Fact: If you're older, injured and appear to be weaker you're more likely targeted as a victim. Damian Ross, The Self Defense Company Just like you see on the Discovery Channel - Predators Attack the W...
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The Fight Before Christmas

The Fight Before Christmas Damian Ross, The Elf Defense Company 'Twas the fight before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St....
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Too Old or Injured for Self Defense?- Damian Ross, the self defense company

Too Old or Injured to Learn Self Defense? Fact: If you're older, injured and appear to be weaker you're more likely targeted as a victim. Damian Ross, The Self Defense Company Just like you see on the Discovery Channel - Predators Attack the W...
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Tabata Training for Self Defense

"How I Cut My Cardio Training Down to Fraction of the Time and Burned MORE Fat with Self Defense Training." Tabata Training for Self Defense by Damian Ross High-intensity interval training (HIIT), also called High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise ...
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March General Meeting - Shounen Tribute!

Date: Friday, March 14th, 2014
Time: 5pm - 9pm
Location: Sid Smith 1072

Anime to Watch: Gurren Lagaan, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Gintama, and Great Teacher Onizuka!
Games: TBA
Raffle: We're continuing our mega raffle from last time!

Description: As a pair to our previous meeting, this one will be a tribute to our favourite shounen anime! Join us for some awesome shows, company, and (as always) food!

PS: Remember to bring lots of chocolate for your favourite tech director in honour of White Day and her hard work!
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facebook event page

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A membership is required to attend this event and can be purchased at the door for $2 if you don't have one already.

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Cosplay Workshop #1 - Sewing!

Date: Monday, March 10th, 2014
Time: 6:30 - 9pm
Location: Sid Smith 570

Description: Learn the basics of sewing with our awesome teacher Sammi!

For this workshop, you need to bring enough fabric to make a skirt. This is just for practice, so something cheap (like polycotton) is just fine. A number of fabric stores in the Queen/Spadina area, for example, carry a variety of fabrics for only a few dollars a yard.

Also feel free to bring any questions you have about sewing or fabric!

Light refreshments will be provided!
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If anyone out there is also willing to help beginners, or offer any cosplay related knowledge, please contact Meghan to offer your help!

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facebook event page

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KBBQ + Karaoke ~

Date: Thursday, February 20th, 2014
Time: 5pm - 11pm
Location: Korean Grill House AND Bar+Karaoke

Description: Let's take a break from the 9-day-long reading week and get together for some fun and relaxation!

We will be gathering in the lobby of 21 Sussex Ave (our office building) at 4pm and leaving for Korean Grill House at 4:30pm SHARP. Then it's off to Bar+Karaoke (which is right across the street) at 7pm.

The tentative end time is 11pm, but we can finish earlier or later depending on when everyone decides they've had enough singing. Let us know what you would like to sing on the facebook event page so we can be ready and start right away.

NOTE: WE WILL NOT BE HOLDING OFFICE HOURS DURING READING WEEK, and this is the only time we will be gathering in the office. Normal office hours resume on Monday, February 24th.

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February General Meeting - Shoujo Tribute!

Date: Friday, February 14th, 2014
Time: 3:30 pm - 8pm
Location: OISE 4426

Anime to Watch: Sailor Moon, Princess Jellyfish, and Free!
Games: TBA
Raffle: We will begin our super awesome mega raffle at this meeting SO COME!

Description: Celebrate Valentine's Day by watching perfect shoujo anime with your favourite club! ( + enjoy delicious snacks and candy and maybe even find your true love??? )

☆ ~ ALSO ~ ☆
At this meeting we will be hosting a MADOKA CARDS AUCTION! We have a number of them from the movie premiere a few months ago, and you will now be able to place bids on them and own them yourself ~
Come to the meeting for more details and a chance to win!

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facebook event page

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A membership is required to attend this event and can be purchased at the door for $2 (for this meeting only), or for $4 for the rest of the semester. We strongly recommend that you purchase your membership in advance during office hours so we can save time during the meeting.

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Anohana The Movie: The Flower We Saw That Day

Date: Wednesday, February 12th, 2014
Time: 7:30pm
Location: Yonge/Dundas Cineplex

Description: Another movie outing! Are you excited?? WE ARE.

We are selling tickets at the office for $10 each starting Thursday Feb 6 - that's $3 off the original price! Hurry before we've sold out! We'll also be selling tickets at the Ramen Night event on Saturday.
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facebook event page

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Yoko Raffle Winner ~ ☆

Hi everyone! Thanks for a great turnout at the January general meeting!

The raffle for our Yoko figure was drawn, and the winner is 322422!

Congratulations to the winner! Thanks everyone!
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Ramen + Bubble Tea

Date: Saturday, February 8th, 2014
Time: 6:30pm - 9pm
Location: Ajisen Ramen, 332 Spadina Ave

Description: Join us for the first weekend event of the year and some delicious ramen! You won't regret it ~

We will be meeting in the club office at 5:45pm and leaving for the restaurant at 6pm SHARP. A reservation has been made for 25 people, but if you haven't RSVP'd, come anyway! Just text Cyrus (647 408 8055) to let him know ahead of time and check if there's a seat.

Hope to see you there!

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Video Game Night - Pokémon

Date: Wednesday, February 5th, 2014
Time: 5pm - 9pm
Location: 21 Sussex Ave, 5th floor, room 503

art by したっぱ13号

Description: For the first time in UTAMA history, we will be hosting a video game night! And why not start off with an old favourite - Pokémon! Battle, trade, share friend codes and Friend Safaris, it's all up to you!

NOTE: To make the most of this event, your best bet is probably bringing your 3DS along with a copy of X or Y, but if you don't have either, don't fret! Feel free to bring older generations and give into nostalgia (head over to the facebook event page and let other members know ahead of time which games you will bring so that everyone is prepared)!

Future Video Game Nights will be based on the success of this event, so make sure you attend and give us your feedback!
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VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: A membership is required to attend this event BUT IT CANNOT BE PURCHASED AT THE DOOR. You MUST already be a UTAMA member before entering this event, so please purchase your membership during our office hours.

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January General Meeting

Date: Friday, January 31st, 2014
Time: 4pm - 8pm
Location: Sid Smith 1088

Anime to Watch: Saint☆Young Men, Pandora Hearts, and Angel Beats!

Games: Bingo!
Raffle: The Yoko pictured above! ( prices are 1 ticket for $2, 2 tickets for $3, and 3 tickets for $5 )

Description: (Kind of) start the new semester off right with a great night of watching anime and stuffing yourself full of junk food! Yay ~ !

We will also be accepting payment for Anime North tickets at this meeting! Make sure you have $45 in cash with you and are ready to give us your real name and a working email address. These discounted group tickets are available for UofT students only.
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facebook event page

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A membership is required to attend this event and can be purchased at the door for $2 (for one meeting) or $5 (for the rest of the semester). We strongly recommend that you purchase your membership in advance during office hours so we can save time during the meeting.

NOTE: For admittance to this meeting, we will also be accepting donations of non-perishable goods for a local food bank instead of the $2 entrance fee. If you already have a membership, we would still appreciate a small donation. Food items such as pasta, canned vegetables, etc. and toiletries such as shampoo, soap, or toothpaste are preferred.

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Sushi + Bubble Tea

Date: Thursday, January 30th, 2014
Time: 12pm - 2pm
Location: Sakura Sushi in the Annex


We will be meeting in the lobby of the ULife building (21 Sussex Ave) between 11:15 and 11:45, then leaving at 11:45 SHARP. Be there or be square ~

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