

Art Meeting

Artist/Cosplayers/Authors heads up! UTAMA's first art meet will be taking place on October 3rd, 2013! It will take place at Sidney Smith Hall Rm 2129 from 6:30-7:30. 

I understand that not everyone will be able to attend the meeting and if you are one of those people the powerpoint attached to this post will contain most of what I will be talking about. 

If u have any concerns, contact me on fb or through the e-mail addresses in the powerpoint. I also have office hours Tuesdays 1-3 that you can drop by at any time. 

I look forward to seeing you all there!

~ Patrick Lim
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New Exec Positions for 2013-2014

We're currently looking for NEW EXECS for 2013-2014!  This is a great way to get involved and have a say in the direction UTAMA will be taking. Not getting the events you want? Want a bigger manga library? This is a great chance to make it all happen! Not to mention it'll look awesome on your resume!  Details on how to become an exec will be given at the next general meeting.

The current positions available are:
  • First Year Representative
  • Communications Director
  • possibly Music Director
  • possibly Technical Director
  • possibly Events Coordinator
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Absolutely delighted at a great first general meeting, despite a few small problems. We will be hosting meetings in the future that will be longer, I will make sure of that with OSM. My apologies for the technical issues during the last episode of the evening, we will avoid that in the future (and, more snacks)

As for office hours, we have had many generous temporary loans from members with DVD's that are available to be watched. Some of them include:
  • Arakawa Under the Bridge
  • Trigun
  • Count of Monte Cristo
  • Baccano
  • One Piece
  • Samurai Champloo
  • Speedgrapher
  • Cromartie High School
  • Summer Wars
Please note that these DVD's must not be removed from the office by anyone who does not own them.
Furthermore, we are looking to renovate our office space (cleaning, re-arranging, re-organizing), so we will be looking for people interested in receiving working T.V's we do not have the space for. Whoever is interested, please stop by the office and we can figure something out.

~ Meghan

P.S. Pictures have been uploaded under the post "First General Meeting".  Scroll to the bottom to view.
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First General Meeting

Location: Lash Miller Chemical Laboratories Room 162
Date: Friday, September 20, 2013
Time: 6:00pm to 9:00pm (membership can be purchased starting at 5:30pm)

Apart from showing anime, there will be snacks, ice breakers, and games.

Shows to Watch
Code Geass
FMA Brotherhood
Shingeki no Kyojin

(possibly pizza and cake in future meetings)

Ice Breakers
A fun activity to get to know each other.

Name That Tune!

A membership is required to attend this event and can be purchased at the door for $2, $5, or $10 (one-time, half, and full membership respectively) or in advance.  We greatly recommend that you purchase your membership in advance during Meghan's office hours so we can save time during the meeting.


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Street Festival 2013

Thank you for everyone who showed up to the Street Festival!  Enjoy the pics (there are more, but they kinda all look the same).  Keep watch on this page in the next few days.  We will post the details for the First General Meeting on September 20th.

Image courtesy of Alier Xie

Image courtesy of Alier Xie

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UTSU Club's Fair 2013

A big thank you to everyone who came to UTSU Club's Fair!  We got over 4 pages of sign-ups!  If you couldn't make it today, there's still the Street Festival on September 10 along St. George Street from 10am to 3pm.  If you would like to help out or cosplay with us, please contact: Blackhole252[at]hotmail[dot]com <-- this format avoids spam emails.

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