

UTAMA Final Meeting on April 24th

Hi guys! UTAMA is having our final meeting for this semester on April 24th!!

We'll be showing new shows that started this season (April) and give you guys chance to eat, talk and socialize, provided with free cake and pizza! 

*The shows that we'll be watching will be updated when the poll closes on the 21st*

We'll also be giving out Asian snacks again too so definitely come by and have a good time!!

Oh, and did I mention FREE CAKE AND PIZZA?!

Here's a facebook link for the event:
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Select The Right Martial Arts Shop to Buy Equipment And Uniform

One of the most important things when you wear martial arts clothing is the comfort and mental peace while performing martial arts. Your clothing plays a very important role when you start practicing various forms of martial arts. It defines your peace of mind as well. When you wear right kind of clothes it can bring an ultimate change during your training sessions or competition in the ground. Just like other forms of sports, performers of martial arts also need appropriate uniform. You will find everything good and proper uniform will give you a pleasant effect when you start practicing your sessions. You will also feel better and this will remain you fit always while performing. Once you start fighting with your opponent, the colors of your dress will definitely affect your mood.

Today, need of martial arts has seen a tremendous growth and due to this it has gain popularity. Hence, the availability of clothing arises in the market. Therefore, to meet the requirements of the martial artists, many new martial arts shop is available in the market which can offer you accessories and uniform at affordable prices. Even, there is wide variety of colors, sizes, design, shirts etc. is available to choose from. When you wear right kind of clothing, it is imperative that you get success in each and every battle. Most importantly, you must buy clothes from a well recognized brand or ask from your trainers or instructors that which brand is perfect to go for. If you are a real martial arts person, then it is necessary that you need clothing. Despite numerous martial artists present in and around the world, there may be thousands of things that may vary from each other, but there is one thing which is common and agreed by all of them is the need and requirement of comfortable martial arts clothing. The right kind of clothing will surely make you fit and help you to improve your style as well. It will also build your self confidence and will make you feel more professional and fit than ever before in front of others.

So, if you are looking for right martial arts shop to buy all the accessories and uniform, you should search for various online options available today. You need to search for different websites from where you can get best clothes. Also, you will find many websites that can offer you huge discounts with good quality product and also in wide variety of colors, designs, and texture. One more benefit you will get from online shopping is customer reviews. With the help of which you can find from whom you should buy your clothes and also you will get the better idea about their business and image in the market. Above all, make sure that you check everything once you opt any site to buy your martial arts clothing. Also, check their mode of payment and their customer service, or about the extra benefits you can avail while buying any product from them.

Clarkebradley is associated with martial arts and provides his expert consultation on Martial art shops and Martial arts clothing services. He is an authority over the subjects and aspects concerning martial art services and his expertise may be quite valuable to you.
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How to Discover The Fighting Method Used by The Shaolin Monks!

That the Shaolin Monks have their own method for fighting is pretty obvious. The problem is that nobody knows what it is. The good news is that it is pretty easy to figure out this secret.

There is a film in which a camera crew goes to the Shaolin Temple. This is a documentary, with the usual things to see and do type of script, but with one very interesting, little occurrence. The happening is that a mixed martial arts fellow is seen climbing steps to one of the temples.

There is a hard smile on his face, and he claims that he is on his way to find out if the monks of shaolin know how to fight for real. Some time later, he is seen returning...and it is obvious that he has just been kicked on his mixed martial beautocks.

If one searches through youtube for any length of time, they will come across a boxing contest between a fighter (taekwondo or karate or some other art) and a monk of the shaolin temple. During the contest, the monk negligently slaps aside the boxer's strikes aside, then begins his own gorgeous onslaught. What is interesting is that it is obvious that the monk doesn't really want to hurt his opponent; he is just freestyling for the heck of it, there is no real desire to harm manifested.

If one examines the history of early karate in Okinawa, there is much mention of training with temple monks in the fuchien province of China. The specific training method resulted in the art of Uechi Ryu Karate (called Pan Gai Noon), and there is some evidence that the art was grown from Bak Mei Kung Fu. This is a direct connection between two important fighting arts.

If one examines the art of Uechi, and that of Bak Mei (White Eyebrow Kung Fu), there are a lot of simple slaps. The specific method is either slaps with the palm or beaks with the backs of the wrist, and in both up and down and sideways directions. If one analyzes these slaps, an entire fighting method can be figured out pretty easily.

Indeed, if one looks at fighting in general, the basic parry is nothing more than a slap. This is a method which could easily be trained in. Simply set up two bags a couple of feet apart and practice striking them with wrist and palm; this actually closely resembles basic iron palm training from the ancient methods of kung fu.

In conclusion, there is much conjecture offered in this article, but there is also a hard core line of reasoning. Could true temple methods of fighting rely on something as simple as the palm and beak? This writer would suggest that any interested reader could simply raise the question, by raising his fists in challenge, to any Shaolin Monk he might come across in his travels.

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The Hardest Karate Kicks You Ever Launch!

Out of all the great Martial Art kickers I have known, and this includes all my practice in Karate, Taekwondo and Kenpo, Bob was the best. This was back a ways, almost fifty years ago now, and training methods were just being introduced to this country. And the things we did, when we practiced martial arts, were often extreme, to say the least.

We didn't always have hanging bags, so we would kick treetrunks and telephone poles and whatever else we happened to see. The critical aspect to this, however, was to have good form, and the sheer number of times you launched a foot in training. I speak honestly when I say that how much you practiced was the real key.

Bob was known for throwing lots of kicks. Most of the budding kenpoka would throw a dozen kicks each side, not all the kicks, and consider that they were breaking a sweat, so they must have really worked out. Do you understand?

Bob would saunter into the dojo a couple of hours before class and begin work. He would start with yoga, do a full regimen of stretching, and then he would start his work out. Two hundred kicks for each side for each particular kick.

I know, you're maybe thinking that they were only airkicks, right? Not a chance. He would start with pounding the the air, then he would go to the bag, and by the end of his workout (almost ready for regular class) he was really bouncing those bozos to the ceiling.

Most important was his attention to detail. He was obsessed with his hips being just right, the arc of his foot being perfect, and the shape of his foot upon impact. He was a perfectionist, to say the least.

One evening he was on his way home, pulled up behind somebody sleeping at an intersection, and he tapped his horn. This huge bully opened his car door, got out, and walked back towards Bob. Bob quickly got out of his car, uplifted his palms for peace (also a martial arts ready position), and protested that he didn't want to fight.

The monster brute drew back a massive fist. Bob popped him in the chest with a wheel kick. The fellow sat down and looked about in surprise.

"I don't want to fight, man!" But the thug stood up and rushed towards Bob. Bob executed a full hipped, ball of foot wheel kick to the chest.

The fellow collapsed to the ground, and Bob got into his Ford and drove off. And the message here is pretty easy to get. No matter which art you do, Karate, Kenpo or Taekwondo or whatever, pay attention to detail, and practice like you mean it.

Whether you study Shotokan, Kenpo or Taekwondo, you know the key to success is often in the martial arts training method. Here's a great page if you want to learn how to punch or kick harder than the other guy!
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Tai Chi Martial Arts Exercise for Making Chi Power

When it comes to making that thing called chi energy, tai chi kung fu is one of the better methods. What's interesting is that the ideas used in that martial art can be used in Karate, taekwondo, hsing i, or whatever. The principles being utilized, you see, are pretty universal.

One of the first exercises one might encounter, if one finds a good tai chi chuan system, is 'holding the bowl.' This is an easy drill, at least for the first couple of One simply assumes an hourglass stance, back very slightly rounded, and positions the arms as if holding a large pot.

The first problem one stumbles on when doing this exercise is mental. The mind starts thinking, and these thoughts tend to disturb the practice. Once one has firmly resolved to get past this phenomena, however, the mental aspect resolves.

The second problem in doing this drill is more physical. After an hour, the body starts to protest being made to do the discipline. It doesn't want to run chi power through it, it doesn't want to just stand there, and it will shake and quake and and even try to get ill.

Just ignore the mental yakkety yak, and ignore the body protest, and focus on the stillness of the mind (listen to the universe around you), and move chi energy through the body. After a short while in the holding the pot position one will start to feel chi power, and there are many things you can do with this energy. You can move the energy around the bowl of the arms, you can channel it around the major meridian running through the center of the front and back of the body, and you can do other sorts of tricks.

What is of importance is that this martial arts exercise has incredible effects. After becoming practiced at this posture, doing the karate pattern called Sanchin will show amazing amounts of chi power. One's martial arts abilities will truly start to grow and manifest.

This exercise, incidentally, is one of the ten arm positions in the martial arts, as revealed in 'The Perfect Technique,' (Quality Press). Thus, it becomes an important tool for martial arts studies. The core principle behind this book is that there are only ten positions the arms can assme that will channel chi power, and that the position of the limbs in the 'holding the bowl' exercise, as done in tai chi martial arts, is the first and probably the most critical of these arm positions.

Study the logical way of developing Chi Power through arts like Shaolin and Tai Chi Chuan . Go to Monster Martial Arts, and make sure you pick up a free martial arts book.
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Martial Arts And The UFC

Mixed martial arts, as the term suggests, is a combat sport where one or more combat styles are combined. Someone who is proficient with mixed martial arts can be considered a walking weapon mainly because of his or her ability to defend against attacks from almost anybody.

The Houston MMA scene is becoming more exciting every year. A lot of people have come to appreciate the fun and the exhilaration associated with this full contact sport. If you will be reading blogs and articles about Houston MMA on the internet, you can see the ever-increasing interest of the people in regards to mixed martial arts.

The Ultimate Fighting Championship or the UFC can be considered the main event in the mixed martial arts world. This organization gathers the best fighters from all over the world and then they are put against each other to know the best among the best. Getting into the Ultimate Fighting Championship is a dream come true for potential mixed martial arts fighters but to reach that level, MMA needs to become their life.

Enthusiasts and individuals living all around the world dream of participating in a UFC bout. Luckily, the progress of the Houston MMA scene is already starting to pave the way with the establishment of gyms and fitness centers that help train these dedicated and strong willed fighters.

Gyms and fitness Centers that teach mixed martial arts are now becoming more popular. The Houston MMA scene and the involvement of other organizations are to be credited for this. One of the most important techniques that a fighter needs to learn to become a prominent figure in the Houston MMA scene is grappling.

Grappling is a fighting technique where a fighter uses his or her technique, strength, agility and flexibility to maneuver and establish a better fighting position against his opponent on the ground. If you observe fighters in Houston MMA competitions, you can conclude that this is a great way to make your opponent admit defeat. This is in complete contrast with Houston boxing techniques wherein the fist is used to attack and deal damage to an opponent. Grappling techniques may consist of the following:

Clinching - this technique is great for controlling opponents and doing damage with knees, elbows, and various strikes. It is also used by wrestlers and grapplers to get in range for takedowns.Throws - this demands great physical strength and an even higher level of technique from a fighter because this entails lifting the opponent and throwing him on the ground.Takedowns - the force of the body is used in this technique to send an opponent crashing to the floor. There are quite a few takedowns, but one of the most common is "shooting" in for a leg or trip.Submissions - with this grappling technique, pressure is applied to an opponent to choke him or to injure a specific part of his body. A successful submission move can make an opponent quit or admit defeat.

Grappling is an important technique but Houston boxing techniques also need to be learned. Striking the opponent effectively with the use of fists is effectively thought by Houston Boxing gyms. If a fighter has mastered the use of the fists from the best Houston boxing trainers, then he may have a chance to rule the world of Houston MMA scene.

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How to Build And Train With The Ancient Chinese Spear Called a Qiang? Part One

The Chinese spear from olden times, called the 'Qiang,' is sometimes spoken of as the King of Weapons. This is because in the hands of a Gung Fu Master, the long length would give one a decisive advantage in combat. In this bit of writing we will go over the construction of the Qiang, in a second article we will describe a couple of Martial Arts training methods for this marvelous weapon.

The Qiang has been around as long as straight branches. It is an ancient martial arts tool, and it is taught in many schools of Gung Fu, particularly Shaolin and Tai Chi Chuan. Several Gung Fu methods, such as Hsing i and Bagua Zhang, hold that the weapon was elemental to the creation of their particular schools.

The shaft of the Qiang is made from wax wood, which is flexible but strong, and it normally ranges in size from 7 to 13 feet. One can create a small circle with the hands, and because the wood bends so easily, the tip will describe a larger but incredibly rapid circle. This gives a tremendous amount of 'snap' to the weapon, should the practitioner decide to 'shake his wrists.'

The steel blade is shaped in the pattern of a leaf. This makes it excellent for either small knife-like cuts when you circle or slash the tip back and forth, And, of course, the straight forward thrusting power of the tool is, well, awesome.

The blade is built atop a tube, which is nailed or screwed to the end of the shaft. The tube is hollow, and it has a hole in the side and a small steel ball inside. This specific arrangement is amazingly intelligent, and shows the Chinese genius in designing the blade.

The hole, when the spear is moving at speed, will make a whistling sound. This can easily distract the enemy. The ball bearing inside the hollow pushes any blood that has seeped into the tube right back out.

Lastly, we have the tassel, a hunk of horsehair affixed to the base of the blade. This is incredibly useful, as it blurs the sight of the attacker being 'jabbed' (smile), so that they cannot make a defense, or even grab the spear, A second reason for the tassel is to stop any flow of blood from coming down the shaft of the Qiang and making it difficult to use.

In closing, a Qiang is a potent and far reaching weapon. A favorite of armies in times past, it could be used to keep a foe at bay, and even kill a horse. Please check out part two, in which we will consider training methods used to train warriors in the ancient Chinese spear.

If you wish for more data on the use of martial arts weapons, I recommend '6th Sense Swordfighting .' Also, because it is sometimes suspicious to walk around with a spear for protection (smile), I recommend the Blinding Steel Course at Monster Martial Arts .
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The Secret of Martial Arts According to Neutronics

I know, I'm always pulling legs, telling people the secrets of the martial arts and the universe, but this really is the straight goods. This is one of those mystical experiences that I don't talk much about, but should, because it strikes to the heart of life.

I'm big on doing martial arts forms. I like Karate kata, but I do kung fu forms, taekwondo poomse, Pa Kua Chang walkng the circle, or whatever comes to mind. I know some people don't like forms practice, but they should reconsider.

I was practicing my karate kata, it was the old Pinans out of the original Karate system, before Funakoshi, and suddenly I realized something. My viewpoint of reality had totally shifted.

Motion had become an illusion and I was not moving; rather, reality was rotating around me.

Yes, I was doing the kata, doing the punches and blocks and such, but imagine staring at the world through a camera lens, a very wide lens, and watching reality move and shift in front of me.

My legs still executed the kicks, my blocks ridged out, and I was a motionless point in space, just observing this new and changing reality.

I came to a place in the kata where I moved around, and my viewpoint didn't change, the world just turned around me.

So here is the big neutronics secret: you don't move, the spiritual being that moves the body doesn't move. Rather, the spiritual being moves reality, which makes body and reality an illusion.

This thing we call a universe doesn't exist; only you, the being looking outward, exist, and you move reality around you like a big, old sideshow.

Now, I know some people will think I am loony. But it is a reality I experience through the doing of martial arts forms, and it changes my life.

Let's say some dolt comes up and starts screaming at me. I don't respond to the dolt, I just observe him, and suddenly, he shifts on; he is a reality I have watched and am done with.

Life travels on, and people move on, and you can pick and choose your experiences in life.

If you respond to the screaming dolt, then the world stops traveling, and you get stuck in the moment, stuck in a carnival you might not want to be part of.

But if you just watch the screaming dolt, concentrate on what he says, looking at what he does, with no reaction, then the traveling show moves on, and you are left with more pleasant life to experience.

When he sees that you are aren't engaged, but rather just watch, he will stop his screaming and look for somebody else to make watch him.

Mind you, there do come instances when you need to get involved, but they are rare, and if you are advanced enough to understand what I am saying in this article, then you will know which of those experiences you need to act upon.

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How to Do Without Reaction Time In Kenpo

Reaction time, in kung fu, karate, Kenpo, or any martial art, is a tricky, little animal. I say animal because it is one of the most important things you have...that you want to get rid of. It is one thing that can get you killed faster than a bullet to the brainpan.

Reaction time is reaction, which means that it is something occurring after something else has happened. Do you understand what this means? If you possess reaction time, you are moving second and behind whoever is launching a punch at your face.

Now you are forced to move, and this because of the attacker's move, rather than in keeping with what you want to do. That means you are the target, and you must get out of the way, build a good block, or whatever. It means you are not doing what you want to do.

The best way to understand this thing is if there is attacker A on the A position. And a defender B on the B position. And a third position, maybe off to the right, which we will refer to as spot C.

The amount of time it takes A to go to B, B can move to C. But B HAS TO move at the exact same moment. If B moves after A, then he is going to get his block knocked off.

And, if B moves because of something he learned, or because of his training, or because of something else, then he is moving yesterday. B must observe A 'in the now,' and he must move in accordance and not because. This is the only way for B to survive.

There is, interestingly enough, the point of view of A, and of actually being able to hit somebody. If you have seen how many misses there are in the MMA, then you will understand this. Simply, A is moving to where B is, but B is no longer there.

In other words, for A to actually strike his opponent, he must strike not to where B is, because B is going to move, and spot B is where he used to be. And he must not attempt to change mid strike, for that will destroy his base and take power out of the strike. The trick is merely to understand and analyze the one sentence: in the time A attempts to move to B, B can move to C.

To finish, let me say that many martial arts instructors talk about timing and slipping punches and that sort of thing, but they usually don't understand the equation I have presented you here. To understand this equation-in the time A goes to B, B goes to C-you should write it out, on a piece of paper, with every scenario of a combat situation you can think of. No matter what martial art you study, Kenpo, Kung Fu, Aikido, or whatever, this piece of information will enable you to lessen and even rid yourself of reaction time, and raise your martial art to a much higher level.

If you want more hard core information about the martial arts and how to fight, click to Monster Martial Arts . I recommend The Punch as a great method for making a hard punch.
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Resistance Training in Martial Arts Forms Makes For More Speed And Power

Resistance Training in Martial Arts Forms makes for More Speed and Power

Resistance training is a fascinating notion that has been around for a long time, and especially in the martial arts. In this bit of writing I'm going to take this concept apart for better understanding.

The earliest example of resistance training I have seen was in the comic books. Charles Atlas, or one of those old, big dudes, claimed that in 15 minutes a day you could build bulging muscles. The bulging muscles, of course, were necessary when you went to take down that creep who kicked sand in your face and stole your best gal.

I remember a couple of the dynamic tension exercises from those long ago comics. One was to place your hands palm to palm and across the body, and then reverse the resistance and press the opposite way. Do it right and you could end up with a sweat, and even build up those big guns.

The only problem with this approach was more in the advertising than in the resistance drill. Muscles aren't necessary to good self defense techniques. In fact, in certain circumstances an improperly constructed muscle can actual stand in the way of progress and function.

The second and more martial example of resistance training came from a form I learned at my karate school. In the kata the wrists were pressed against one another and tension was built. When the tension peaked, you released the pressure and the fist shot out.

This exercise was incredible, and increased speed and power quite a bit. I used to do this exercise a lot, and even developed a few other movements in which I could use this type of resistance training. In the end, I rubbed my wrists until they had no hair on them, and my punches got so they could penetrate just about anybody's defense.

Let me say one last thing about building big muscles for karate or kung fu or whatever martial art you happen to study. Big muscles are okay, but dense muscles are better. I prefer limbs that are dense, unassuming, and can work ALL day long.

I want my punching muscles to be more like a marathoners legs than comic book biceps...I want muscles that don't fatigue, yet shoot the juice like Clint Eastwood's big smokin' 45.

The martial arts are not about how good you look, they are about how quick you are. They are about how efficiently you move through time and space. So, whether you do resistance training in your karate patterns is up to you, just make sure that you are building the speed and power of your fists, and not just trying to look impressive.


If you want more data on how to make your muscles quick and dense you should visit Punch Harder Now . Make sure you read the piece on the Secret of Hard Punching .
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Martial Arts Classes For Kids

Your kid offers marched into the kitchen area and introduced his or her wish to become a grasp of the self-defense abilities. Presuming this really is more than a temporary wish provided flight with a television plan, it is time to begin searching for a suitable dojo. The job isn't easy. There are many colleges and each is exclusive in the degree of instruction they provide, their strategy with kids, and the type of atmosphere these people cultivate. Regrettably, most parents just become conscious of problems once they enroll their children into courses.

Below, I ought to provide a quick blueprint for choosing the best martial arts skills school and courses of instruction for your young man or child. We'll visit again the different designs ordinarily trained, the training concerned, and also the approach used by the teacher.

Know the Kinds

The most well liked designs taught within martial arts courses are karate, kung fu, aikido, tae kwon do, hapkido, and modern martial arts. Karate concentrates on striking as well as obstructing, along with little to no having difficulties. Kung fu is a well-rounded strategy that includes hits, kicks, obstructs, and tosses. The stress is actually on design, fluidity, and time. Aikido shifts the main focus from hits to obstruct and tosses. The style stresses using opponents' energy and impetus against all of them.

Taekwondo emphasizes kicking as well as obstructing, although striking can also be taught. The actual emphasis is actually on making opponents secure. Hapkido mixes most of the elements present in karate as well as judo. Hits and tosses are anxious, and are frequently used with each other to eliminate opponents. Eventually, judo utilizes an approach which includes strikes, tosses, joint hair, and having difficulties. Like aikido, the actual emphasis is actually on utilizing opponents' energy towards them.

What goes on During Instruction?

The only way to determine if the martial-arts courses at a specific studio work for your young man or child is to view them. The majority of instructors won't mind, especially if they know you've got an interest in signing up your child.

Be aware pertaining to regardless of whether time is actually spent starting to warm up and performing exercises, e.g. stretches, abs crunches, and sit-ups. Additionally, are weaponry used? Tend to be kids forced to free with one another? How the security from the students is made certain? You should also be aware the class dimension and whether or not this spans a great variety of age range. Older skids shouldn't be coaching along with small children. And many significantly, would be the other kids in the fighting techniques classes having a good time? If they seem stressed or even anxious, that could suggest a problem with the instruction regimen.

View the Instructor

The instructors in a dojo performs akey role within the development of your son or daughter's self-defense skills. Don't be distracted by the dark belts they are wearing. Must be tutor actually experienced in karate, kung fu, tae kwon do, or any other design doesn't mean which coach is actually similarly efficient as an teacher.

Watch the way in which these people engage with the kids. Some are extremely gruff while others are extremely forgiving. A few demonstrate through example while some simply clarify methods as well as expect students to perform all of them. Also, pay attention to the way in which they provide feedback whenever a student does not perform a transfer correctly. Could they be curt perfectionists or could they be prepared to provide your child or even daughter advantageous advice? All these elements contribute to whether your son or daughter enjoys the knowledge.

Making a Ultimate decision

Even though you are the one spending money on the fighting techniques classes, get the kid active in the decision-making process. Supply exposures to few different styles and permit your girl or boy to select from included in this. Encourage them to interact using the teacher as well as take part in an exercise session to allow them to gain a sense of comfort. Environmental surroundings must be secure to be enjoyable. And your child must have a lot of fun to stay influenced enough in order to pursue instruction. Supply the obligatory support as well as access to choices, and let your child make the concluding decision.

Martial arts is a techniques that makes a man self protect and helps to gain fitness and health. It is usually necessary for kids as kids are at developing and learning stage and from Martial Arts Sugar Hill they can learn lot of things.
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Feel Safe And Secure With Free Self Defense Training

There is a need to stay alert, cautious and aware about the movements of people trying to come close to you. An emergency can arrive anytime without giving you enough time to respond. Your physical and mental weakness would encourage others to take advantage of your weak health. You should appear strong and ready to take the challenges. With free self defense classes, you can recognize your true power.

You have immense strength hidden in your body and mind but you have to discover this treasure. You are capable of handling a person stronger than you, if you can use your hidden power. To discover the power in you, you need training. Practicing martial arts can help you discover your strength and for this reason people are advised to take training in martial arts like karate and taekwondo.

If you are relying on the equipments like pepper spray for self defense then you are making yourself dependent on technologies that might fail for no visible reason. These devices are no match for courage and strength. When you look courageous and powerful, strangers would hesitate in attacking you. The martial arts training would transform your appearance from a feeble person to a strong man.

Discovery of your inner power would make you feel secure. You would have peace of mind and you won't fear going out and meeting strangers. The free self defense training would change your life as you would no more depend on your friends and family members for safety. On the contrary, you would be able to protect your parents, cousins and friends.

Martial arts training should be made compulsory for women as they are more vulnerable than men. Families should take the responsibility of providing their women martial arts lessons. With free self defense training provided by different organization, women should have no problem in learning ancient fighting skills. Depending on their choices, women can choose karate, taekwondo, tai chi, kung-fu and other fighting arts.

When it comes to self defense, women rely on safety gadgets but little do they know that these gadgets can work for a certain time period and also they can become dysfunctional for strange reasons. But you can never forget what you have practiced. If need arises, you can hit a person hard enough to become unconscious for a brief time in which you can seek help or find shelter. It is what you would get from free self defense training.

Cory Hofland is a maestro of 3rd degree Black belt and has been teaching Martial Arts for eighteen years. The author is spreading the series of free self-defense classes for women in which will teach about sexual assault defense strategies and how to escape an abduction.For More Information Please Visit Free Self Defense Classes.
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Things to Consider Before Enrolling Kids in the Muay Thai Training

Providing martial arts training opportunities to your children will benefit them in many ways in the long run. Kids when they are young will help them learn the art and master it in due course of time. However, the quality of classes they receive will entirely depend upon the martial school, your child's coach and also your child's interest and learning abilities. Before you enroll your child in the best Muay Thai training centre, it is recommended to find out all you can about the school, the coaches, the facilities, the courses, course duration, certifications and the cost.

Why Enroll Kids For Muay Thai Training?

Although even adults can take up some kind of martial art classes, kids are the best and fast learners. Training while they are young prepares them for their life ahead. It also provides all round development such as physical, mental and emotional. When you enroll your kids in the best Muay Thai schools, they will be taught many other things. Their concentration levels will improve as they are taught to focus on certain skills, they are trained to be prepared for self defense, they develop good coordination, they become more disciplined, they develop strength, learn to adopt a healthy diet which in turn keeps them fit and healthy.

How to Choose Muay Thai Training Schools?

There are different types of martial arts and the kind of institution you choose depends on what type of art you want to learn. If you want the best trainers to train your child for competitions, then look for the best Muay Thai institutions. The training center you choose should provide the best of facilities and a safe environment. The trainers should have a certification in their specialized art form. They should follow the recommended syllabus and training procedures. They should be able to provide authorized certifications at the end of each level. They should conduct performance tests and competitions at various levels to help students progress.

Important Considerations When Choosing Martial Arts for Your Kids

There are some very important points to remember before sending your child for martial arts training. Don't choose an art form because it interests you, discuss with your child to know his/her interests. Consider the physical ability of your child. Make sure that your child is physically and mentally prepared to join the best Muay Thai. Consider how much time your child will be spending on martial art. Consider the distance between your home, the training school and your child's school.

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What's the Best Sport in the World?

Mixed Martial Arts and here's 9 reasons why..

1. One and Only 1 Title

There's only one top dog in UFC. The sport doesn't simply hand a title over to a fighter since he occurred to make it to the fight that night. It takes effort, commitment and also an appreciative winning streak to grab the glory of true championship. Unlike the plentiful championship belts that wrap themselves around a handful of boxers, mixed martial arts - particularly, the UFC - just possesses one belt for each weight class.

2. All Year Round Action

Mixed martial arts has the UFC, which is the most significant promoter in the world. Between January and December, the UFC multitudes many parties, whether through pay-per-view, FOX, FX, FUEL TV or even Facebook. If they have the resources, why not use them? With eight various weight classes delivering countless entertaining fighters, the UFC has had the ability to supply its followers advantageous activity all year long. Now, while lots of people would say their attempts have been too much, just how can you badger the provider for showcasing its product? A lot of sports, possibly besides tennis as well as golf, cannot say that. Their timetables are limited. And to believe, these amounts are just from the UFC. Envision what some other MMA promoters can contribute to the formula.

3. No Ownership

The majority of sports managers, minus the few people in charge that really care about the sport, only care about generating income. That's all well and great considering it's their personal cash their putting on the line, it still eliminates from the sport's integrity. Whether it's the wellness of their players, the financial durability of their employees or the total well-being of their team, managers are commonly ducking as well as escaping morally vital obligations in favor of monetary success. Yet in mixed martial arts, where individual owners are as plentiful as non-fighters, it's every guy for himself. Sure, providers like the UFC run the world of MMA and are often mocked for not paying their fighters nearly enough, but the truth of the concern is that nobody is making these competitors do something they do not wish to. Each guy has his personal opportunity at reaping the benefits of sponsorship while putting in the amount of time as well as effort that they deem needed.

4. Transparency

Don't worry, because with no whining, no scandals, no cash mongers and no cereal box title belts. This sport is as determined as it can be. Aside from the periodic blips in the system like interim titles and prolonged suspensions, MMA has to be at least argued as the purest sport in the world. It regularly showcases its potential to surprise, satisfy and hunger its followers. The training, dedication, hard work and sacrifice that enters being a professional MMA boxer is past our comprehension. The rivalry can be seen as an intercontinental, my nation vs. yours all-out battle. Whether it's a heel kick to the face or an elbow off the octagon. It's a five-round, ground-and-pound fighting royal. It's fighting, the the most natural recreation recognized to man.

5. Levelheaded Deals

MMA deals are often quick. This gives the sport's numerous promotions the possibility to pay its fighters the cash they ought to get, or don't. For example, a lot of UFC agreements are built around a six-fight duration. This gives ownership the potential to regulate its assets and not have caught paying fighters scads of dollars after they're no longer able to execute. Unlike MMA, other recreations like softball, football and basketball are continually subjected to "secured" contracts. Lengthy deals that are commonly 8 or 10 years long make these sports laughable. Sportsmen aren't going to perform in their prime for a years long. It's common sense. I suspect MMA is the only recreation to recognize it has to protect its cash as well as take each deal step by step.

6. Competitive Salary

Overall, an MMA salary is extremely competitive. For MMA fighters, gaining a $ 10,000 paycheck could be the determining factor in paying their rent on time or not. They do not have room for mistake. Sure, the occasional PPV cash cow like Brock Lesnar will certainly enjoy more perks than the rest, but at the end of the day, MMA is among the most financially reasonable sports around. Additional entities like softball, football as well as basketball function insanely rich participants, some making millions and millions a year! They can't relax and ride an assured income in to the sundown. They are obliged to give 100% percent, ONE HUNDRED percent of the time, every minute they're inside the octagon. It's exactly what makes the sport much more hazardous, which in turn creates more enjoyment as well as interest for fans.

7. No Scandals

MMA doesn't tolerate rubbish. Fighting is fighting, as well as it begins and also keeps with that. The sport isn't constructed to function around corruption. The recreation does not appear to run into major scandals, due in part to MMA's stability wall being iron-clad. Boxers aren't throwing fights, managers aren't taking online video tapes of training camps, coaches aren't being caught seducing kids. Up until now in its quick existence, MMA has actually been as clean as a sport can be, minus failed testosterone tests. However nowadays, exactly what recreation does not have its complications with performance-enhancing?

8. Limited Injuries

Of course, the periodic injury bug strikes training camps and also places some of the greatest fighters on the shelf for a few months, however absolutely nothing close to the ACL tears and also Tommy Mark surgeries that comprise every various other sport. Despite being the bloodiest sport on the world, fighters are hardly ever seriously injured inside the cage. Whether it's getting removed off the football field after a helmet-to-helmet accident or cracking an ankle after moving into home plate, other sports are sometimes more unsafe compared to fighting. Clearly a few fighters possess the capacity to break bones, like Frank Mir as well as Ronda Rousey, but for one of the most components, matches are put to a halt before debilitating injuries are suffered.

9. Restricted Concussions

Having a better chance of getting struck by lightning than experiencing a concussion in the course of a battle, Mixed martial arts fighters are very surprisingly lucky in that sense. It simply doesn't happen that often. Decisive fights are 99.9 percent of the time stopped at the best second, with the occasional inexperienced referee slipping up for a brief few seconds. Unlike MMA, additional recreations appear to incorporate a whole lot of concussion-related instances-- others especially, the NFL as well as NHL. When your sport sees a participant get concussed at least once a week, it might be time to reposition some points about. For fighters, bruised chins as well as forehead lacerations are the biggest risks.

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Get The Best Kung Fu Skills at The Right Place

There are times when you feel that you should master the skill of kung fu. You need to practice a lot in order to get the best self defence for yourself. You might also find that there are number of institutes that provide training on kung fu and martial arts. But the most important thing to look for is the training team whether they have good experienced or not so that you can receive the right training from them. There are some training institutes that divide the martial arts class into children's kung fu, teen's kung fu and adult's kung fu. You should make it a point to get the best training from martial arts Sydney and increase your self improvement to a lot level. You would find that the martial classes that you have been taken has made you improve your health and quality of your life at the same time. Getting the best training from Kung Fu Sydney would prove very useful for you because this would also help you in terms of self improvement. The self defence that you get from the kung fu class also goes a long way in protecting yourself against any illness and disease.

If you have been looking forward to get rid off your stress and negative emotions then you should always consider yourself getting the best training on martial arts. It would really help you and also protect against any emotional, physical or attack. Kung Fu classes can be taken by any person who has reached the age of 3. You get your own class schedule and you need to attend the classes where you would be taught by the experts which would also not take a lot of time to get the right skill. You can never get any fitness idea more than this skill which would also help you to feel glad that you have taken your own right step by opting for kung fu classes. It is important that you attend seminars on this art so that you can have a brief idea and before you try to join any kung fu school you should always try to research so that you do not end up getting the wrong one for you. So get the best school and instructor for you who can train you to master the art of kung fu.

Jow Gar Martial Arts Sydney provides the ultimate exercise for all ages. Kung Fu Sydney academies are teamed up with experienced Kung Fu experts who are available to train the individuals effectively. Rate this Article

Get The Best Kung Fu Skills at The Right PlaceRating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Glenn Jacob has published 73 articles. Article submitted on December 18, 2012. Word count: 393

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The Kung Fu Way of Reading Minds

I was teaching a matrix karate class the other night, and the subject of reading an opponent's mind came up. Rather, I told the guys to shut up and read minds. There was a bit of surprise. The students all wanted to talk and ask questions...the exact opposite of what I had just told them. So I said, " silence you can read minds. You can't read minds if you are talking so much that all you can hear is the talking." The noise level went down a wee bit. "Look," I said, "you could do forms and techniques and fight for thirty years...or you can follow my instructions and read minds in a couple of hours." After a minute of waiting for them to focus more on their forms and less on my words, I began to talk softly and unobtrusively. I wanted them to be able to do their techniques and input my data at the same time.

They were all good enough, had reached a sufficient level of intuition, to do that. "There is the body, and there is the mind, and there is the spirit. Discipline the body, and the mind starts to get disciplined. Discipline the mind enough, and the spirit starts to get disciplined." I changed directions to surprise them and give them example and make their minds retain the lesson. "It is true that the eyes are the windows to a man's soul. Once you are disciplined enough you can look into the eyes and you will see thoughts. If a car was careening towards you, would you look at the car, or would you look at the driver?" One student said, "I'd dodge the car." I made the buzzer sound. "AHHH! Roadkill!" Another student said, "Look at the driver?" "You live," I told him. And I looked at Mr. Roadkill and grinned.

"You're still dead." The class chuckled ruefully at the death of one of their own. "The car is an object, and you must look at that which thinks the car along its path. The body is a meat object, and you must look through the windshield of the eyes and see that which thinks the body along its path. Stop listening to me and do your techniques without the distraction of my voice. Don't be fooled by the for the spirit; search for yourselves. They concentrated on their martial arts training, and I knew that though their minds were blinking, they would soon turn off, and the blessed silence of their spiritual nature would shine forth.

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Carter Hargrave and the American Combat Kenpo

Online, you will find a lot of carter hargrave review and all of them factors to one route - the United states Fight Kenpo is a exclusive way of battling designs and it has a lot of advantages.

This way of self-defense is a mixture of jujitsu revised Okinawan martial arts, and the use of various weaponry. The United states Fight Kempo or Kenpo is an exclusive self-defense strategy and whole system established and designed in 1992 by Carter Hargrave. Some of the different protecting methods and techniques of this battling designs system were copied and tailored by the US Maritime in their actual physical exercising course. Aside from that, the United states Fight Kempo has also been identified by numerous companies and battling designs companies around the world.

Aside from being the Grandmaster of United states Fight Kempo and two other professions, jiu jitsu and kung fu, Carter Hargrave also had written three battling designs books: "The Unique Carter Hargrave JKD Training Manual" which instructs the designs of Bruce lee, "Japanese Kempo martial arts Entry To Tricks Manual" which offers with innovative exercising, and the primary defined system for the United states Fight Kempo is in the guide "Japanese Kempo martial arts Manual". The guide that offers with Jeet Kune Do has become an worldwide top seller.

Many of the methods and exercising engaged in United states Fight Kempo were designed for self-preservation in the city roads. All ACK combat techniques are all on chronic evaluation to make sure that the battling techniques and techniques are all up up to now. At the same time, the ongoing evaluation of United states Fight Kempo methods is to improve the system and make sure that the most appropriate and effective road goes are reliable in exercise with how they are really going to be used in actual circumstances. United states Fight Kempo also understands the fact that different battling methods will combine and new ones will be designed.

With BJJ, MMA and other battling designs style becoming more well-known globally, United states Fight Kempo's plan is to be start to change and become familiar with other combat methods. This can be done via cross-training. A few years back, battling designs trainers were not so interested in the idea of developing alliances with other protection designs and consolidating of techniques is next to difficult. These days, the liquid performance of battling has become an art in itself.

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Learn Self Defense For Peace of Mind And a Healthy Life

Learn self defense instead of worrying about your safety and taking unnecessary care of your belongings. There are bad people around you but you can't recognize them and there is no need to differentiate between friends and foes, if you are alert and know how to prevent yourself from falling prey to the evil designs of unsocial elements and goons.

A friend can turn foe and there are instances to substantiate this fact. Person whom you consider your friend could try taking advantage of your weak physical health. This is especially true about young women who are considered physically and emotionally weak. But in reality a woman is as strong as a man. An average person can't face a woman trained in martial arts.

When you know how to defend yourself against a big enemy, you can move freely without any apprehension. Defending yourself is an art that you can develop with practice. Your objective is to escape from the clutches of unfriendly strangers and neighbors and relatives and friends. Anyone other than you could be your enemy and you should be prepared to teach the person who tries to breach your liberty a lesson.

Martial arts training could make you strong enough to beat even a muscled man. Beating a person is all about hitting hard and hitting at right place. The training would make your body flexible and hard. You could easily move your limbs in every direction and you would be able to hit so hard that the person whom you would hit becomes unconscious for a moment.

There is no need to feel insecure as you can learn self defense and feel safe, happy and healthy. When you would feel safe, you would remain stress free and when you would remain stress free, you would become healthy. In this way practicing martial arts can help you lead a healthy life.

Your enemies are available everywhere. They are in the society, school, and college, office, in your neighborhood and even in home. You have every reason to learn self defense and if you think that you can use other means like pepper spray etc. to defend yourself then you are mistaken. These equipments are no match for martial arts techniques that have been practiced around the world for centuries. When you would learn self defense, you would improve your internal health and physical power. Greatest advantage of practicing martial arts is that you would become independent in your defense.

Cory Hofland is a maestro of 3rd degree Black belt and has been teaching Martial Arts for eighteen years. The author is spreading the series of free self-defense classes for women in which will teach about sexual assault defense strategies and how to escape an abduction.For More Information Please Visit Learn Self Defense.
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