


moving my blog over to my website.  doing my blog there. AT Home Pets.

facebook won't allow me to post my blog updates, getting rather vexed with it all.

So just moving things over.
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Henna kindles, May 30, 2012

10 kits born to this lovely tempered doe.
One kit was DOA.

She had them during morning chores so I got to see them immediately!  :)

aero bar
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Warm Weather and the Critters

When the warm weather hits I like getting the bunnies out for exercise and the relaxation of nibbling grass. The guinea pigs make effective lawn mowers. :)
 Polish, loppies and Mini Rex chilling out together.
 Normally a chair is in with them, but today it was a cloudy day and they were under a tree
 Keener and Tanner relaxing
 Fresh airand fun!
 Biscuit is a much happier rabbit being outside.
Young Guinea pig and young bunnies
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Biscuit kindles, May 12 2012

13 kits born, one very large one DOA, one teeny tiny one fostered temporarily to Dusty.

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A rescue

Tonight I went out to care for the bunnies to find miss ChinPinny all in a dither... and I was thinking what's with this she's always calm.

And then I find it... her little foster polish, trying to strangle itself on the wire.

It had gotten out the box and gotten it's head stuck in the cage wire.  It had crawled above the baby saver wire.

So I called my sweet hubby out.

I held the wee one up which he snipped the cage wire for me.

One rescued baby.

One adult bunny no longer in a dither.

Calmness resumed.
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Rescue Rabbit - Flemmy cross

Posting this for a customer as this boy may have a home.

this is a very tame, hand raised, so I'm told, 3/4 flemmish giant.  Not sure what the other 1/4 is.

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Rescue rabbits

Young rabbit breeder got in over her head.
Gave me a bunch of rabbits to simply have them gone.
Best offers take them home.

May retain the senior buck and one of the magpie does.

Japanese chocolate harlequin Senior buck

Japanese Senior Doe

Two magpie junior does

one japanese junior doe
japanese junior buck

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Biscuit outside

Since Biscuit does not tolerate heat well, I have her moved outside.

I'm not crazy about where I have her (in an old guinea pig cage) but she's covered, her nestbox is protected, and she is outside.

I have someone giving me a bunch of rabbits tonight, so I needed to make room for them in the isolation tent.  meant a whole lot of rabbits got moved around.

I am hoping over the summer to make a nice solid cage for Biscuit so she can just stay outside year round.  I think that overall that will serve her well.   She really just likes being cold, and she's a good producer, and she's the last offspring of Old Jack and as such holds a special place in our hearts, therefore I have no issues accommodating her needs.

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Dusty kindles May 1, 2012

 Dusty is mom
Spice is dad.

Together they produced four offspring.
one is a peanut
looks like one white, two broken.
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