

versatile blogger

I've apparently been awarded this Versatile Blogger award.  Inky the Hamster gave it to me.  See this post about that.  I should mention that she has the cutest hamster interactive thing on her blog.  it's just too fun to play with...just ask a giggling six year old boy.  :)

I'm apparently supposed to do all this different stuff when I get the award

So, here are the rules that go along with this award...
  •  In a post on your blog, nominate 15 fellow bloggers for The Versatile Blogger Award.
  •  In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award.
  •  In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
  •  In the same post, share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
  •  In the same post, include this set of rules.
  •  Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.
But I'm not going to.  I am NOT being a spoilsport...but it's just that I don't read that many animal blogs.  I really don't.   I'm not really into posting random stuff about myself as well.. then I have to think up random stuff about myself. :)   And quite frankly, as much as I appreciate getting this award, right now I"m just too tired...just too exhausted and just saying to myself...I don't wanna... it just seems like too much work right now.

Sorry!   Just being honest here...

Perhaps tomorrow I'll be thinking differently...
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just chatter

So today one was looking at all the babies born recently and noted that one of minx's kits is small and not doing as well as the rest.   My normal policy to let nature take it's course, or at the most to foster a kit over.

Now i already fostered one of her kits to another doe to give the small one a better chance but it just wasn't grabbing hard onto that chance (probably because it's a fair bit smaller than it's litter mates).  

So I already know that Rosa doesn't take to being held for a kit to nurse, and Minx is a very independent doe.  Good with people, skittish with other rabbits.. so I looked at Sera and said will you do?   And you know what?   SHE WAS GREAT!   This doe that I'm not particularly fond of, allowed me to flip her over, and let one wee kit nurse.   She was so content just hanging out on her back letting the kit do it's thing.    She got a good backrub for that (followed by a nice scoop of grain).   Well done girlie and one wee kit has a full belly of milk.   I may need to do this again tomorrow..but hoping that I won't have to.  Kits are amazing in their abilities to rebound after getting a good bellyful of milk.

Monday I sent the two odd ball ones from Shar's litter off to the rabbit rescue.   She has a home for the one already and the other I just didn't want to grow out.  Small little bunny that just didn't "do" and had a lovely calm temperament so would be good for a pet home.

Oh.. and a bunny that I sold to a lady who comes here for breeding once in a while came over today.  She'll stay for a couple days.  I'll see if I can get her bred.   At this point she's being uncooperative but we'll see how she goes....her owners plan to get her neutered after this set of kits.
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Minx kindles - Feb 16, 2012

seven kits, a good mix in colours.  two are small.

 Aero Bar is Dad
Minx is Mom

Minx will be for sale once she has weaned her litter.

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Sera kindles - Feb 25, 2012

seven kits.  I expect them all to be tort of some sort.

This is Sera

This is Bandit

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some wee littles

Vivian's kits
 jade's kits
 peek's kits
slip's kits
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Rosa - kindles Feb 24, 2012

Five babies born to Miss Rosa.  All of them are light.  Not expecting white so rather curious as to what they will end up being once their fur comes in.

 this is dad Aero Bar
This is mom Rosa

Rosa is a tiny upright young lass.  She is a very sweet, very friendly girl.
Aero Bar is a Mr. Noisy can I come and see you type of boy.
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well that was fun

Tonight I had a man and his grand-daughter over for a visit.

They are going to get bunnies in the spring and they wanted to visit a real rabbitry to learn some of the pros/cons, building ideas and such like.

I was VERY nervous two weeks ago about having them come over.. I had just gone through someone being stupid in my rabbitry and I was thinking... WHAT IF THEY are an Animal Rights nut-job.

So.. I sent pics, told them my hesitation.  Grandpa sounded like he got it.  :)

He went so far as to send me their names, addresses, and all that.

They came, we chatted, I had good vibes and no checks in my spirit about them so.. I took them out back to see the bunnies.

We chatted, we learned, bunnies were held, little girl was captivated, and it was good.

I am relieved at this moment in time.  I do so love talking bunnies and teaching folks what I know.

It is a trust thing you know.  God keeps telling me TRUST in him.  Don't lean on your own understanding.  TRUST me, he says.   And that's what I have to do.  EVEN IF I'm all wrong in how I think things went tonight I still need to trust God to guide my steps, to protect my family, to do right by my critters and such like.  
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Best Practices - Breeding for Rabbit Health

I've been actively breeding rabbits for about 6 years now.   I bred rabbits when I was a child as well.   I found it a fun hobby and I still do.  I love talking bunnies. I love teaching about bunnies.

I belong to a few different rabbit boards.   Meatrabbits, Rabbittalk and Rabbit Addict.   There are two others that I visit infrequently  homesteading today and Poultry Swap.   Each board has a different focus and flavour to it.  Meatrabbits tends to focus on raising rabbits in a healthy safe way, rabbittalk has a similar focus but also has pet rabbit talk, show rabbits, general chit chat, Rabbit addict is mostly show rabbit folk.

One of the things I've learned through the boards is to set goals for your rabbitry.

My goal with my rabbits is simple (yet difficult).. to breed healthy rabbits with good temperaments which over time will do well on the show table (depending on the breed involved).

So today I'll talk about best practices focusing on health.

What does breeding for health mean?  Why is it so important?  What's all involved with breeding for health?

Rabbits are prey animals.  That means they are designed to reproduce quickly and live long enough to reproduce themselves.  Healthy, intelligent animals do that.. the unhealthy, unintelligent don't.  That's simply the way of life in this world filled with the results of sin.  Prey gets eaten unless prey can grow up quickly enough, be healthy and smart enough to avoid becoming food.   It's the animals with a healthy immune system that survive.

So my goal with my rabbitry is to build an animal with a strong immune system.

This presupposes that I'm doing everything at my end to assist in this regard.
  • Clean cages.   Without clean cages, even the healthiest rabbit can get ill.
  • Good feed.  Bad feed can cause a host of issues with rabbits.  Failure to breed, grow etc.
  • Fresh water.   Without water rabbits won't eat.
So what I look for in my rabbits goes as follows:
  1. I don't keep rabbits that I have to fuss with as babies.   They need to keep themselves clean (no matted poo),  learn potty manners (as in they need to go in one corner of the cage), no runny eyes, no sneezing, no bloating, no making me squint at them saying hmm.. something ain't right with you.  no nothing.
  2. They need to mature at a reasonable rate and in doing so need to not have days of going off feed.  They need to be relatively stress free animals.  They need to have good feet, good bodies, no abscesses, sore hocks, good teeth, and so forth.
  3. They need to be able to breed without making it into a big production.  This assumes that I am watching them for signs of readiness.
  4. They need to be able to reproduce without intervention. No stuck kits.  No prolonged labour.  This doesn't mean that I don't leave room for error in first time moms.  First time moms make mistakes at times.  But I rarely have issues with first time moms. :)
  5. They need to raise their litters.   Feed your kits, raise your kits, be nice to them.  No peeing on them.  Be a good mom basically.
Steps 3-5 They need to accomplish without having health issues.  No going off feed.   No pickiness when it comes to feed offered.  No blowing snot.  No runny eyes.   No rabbit diseases.   No tilted heads.  

I want a rabbit that when you look at it, you get a picture of glowing health.


Because I've read too many stories about people doing one of two things.
1. Breeders that take seriously breeding for health that end up, over time, having rabbits that fit all their criteria for good healthy rabbits.  Rabbits that end up being strongly healthy able to handle well the way they are raised and handled.
2.  Breeders that end up not focusing on health and having snotty noses, babies that fade, and a whole host of other things as their priorities in rabbit raising are different.

I've been focusing on health for the past two years.   In just that short time I've rarely get kits with runny eyes, I don't lose entire litters to weaning entropathy,  no rabbits blowing snot and such obvious issues.   I still lose the occasional rabbit...but with much less frequency which is WAY COOL.  I HATE losing rabbits unnecessarily.  AND if I breed for health then I get rid of that anguish of losing rabbits untimely.

Now mind you... if I have a wonderfully healthy rabbit that has the attitude of a pit bull with a less than positive agenda on his mind.. I won't keep it.  Temperament is very important as well...but that's not the point of THIS particular post.  :)

Breeding for health doesn't mean that I never lose a bunny untimely...but it does mean that I reduce the likelihood of such happening, and that's what the goal is...reduction in untimely deaths.  Which is accomplished best by breeding for health. 

Breeding for health means that I need to cull out everything that doesn't meet my standards.  Cull can mean a variety of things - cull to the pet store as a pet, cull to private rabbit sale - pet or breeder, cull dead to feed a critter (but not if it's sick), or cull dead to enrich the soil.    

Culling dead is not a happy event, but in the life of raising animals it's part of it if you truly want to improve your animals.   Just because a rabbit doesn't meet a health standard doesn't negate it's usefulness in other areas of life - a baby rabbit that didn't meet my cut can grow up to be a perfectly lovely pet, an adult rabbit who can't reproduce can fill a void in someone's life and if I can pet out a rabbit I will happily do so.  But a rabbit with a less than positive outlook on life who also has health issues.. I do not send out as a pet.    Who wants an unhealthy rabbit?    Who wants a nasty rabbit?   Fortunately since temperament is also important to me I rarely get nasty rabbits.  :)

Not every rabbit makes it a  keeper rabbit.
Not every rabbit makes a pet.
But every rabbit can be useful in life in some regard.
And that's the way it should be life.  Everything has a purpose.

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Magic kindles - Feb 21, 2012

Magic had one singleton kit today.

Lovely little broken black.

Unfortunately it was born dead.

Dad was Popper.

Disappointing.  Glad she came through the delivery okay. 

Will breed her back in the next couple of days.
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Slip kindles - Feb 18

I bred Slip to a rescue mini rex buck I had in.
A booted chocolate that I called Marco...

He's apparently called AMR's Rogue now and is up for sale here. :)

Anyways, on Feb 18, Slip gave me six bouncing kits.  I"m pleased by that number.    Slip is my oldest rabbit and a pet so sometimes I'm concerned about breeding her as she's had nine frequently in the past, which is a bit hard on her.   BUT six is a nice sized litter which she can handle well.

Most of the litter is dark, two are light.
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Jade - kindles, Feb 13, 2012


Kindled one day early.

Five kits.

Rustic is dad.

Fully pedigree Polish kits.
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Peek-a-mommy kindles - Feb 10, 2012

 Here are the kits
Five kits in the box born a couple days late.  Three red, two chestnut.
Came as fully furred as three day old kits are.
 German is dad.
This is Peek-a-Mommy.

Peek is my son's pet rabbit.   She kindles about four times a year.  Her main job is to be a pet for one six year old boy.

Good to see them grow.
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Vivian kindles - Feb 6, 2012

four kits born to first time mommy vivian.

Kits are a good size, she remains a pleasant happy rabbit.  ALL is good in the rabbit world.  :)

Dad is Aero Bar.

One is marked to be magpie or harlequin, one broken black, last two yet to be determined.
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Spotty pups - Feb 4, 2012

Four pups born.  All healthy and looking good.
Three girls, one boy.  Male is basically white.

Dad is Torpedo.

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Hoppin' Circle January Wrap Up

Fisher Farms shows us her wonderful show results and ribbons. Congrats Clint on your first leg!

The Kelfla Project shares some scientific tidbits centered around rabbits.

Bella's Rabbitry tells us about new stock she has coming in, and announces that she isn't selling out completely, after all.

At Home Pets tells us of a nice experience she had with a buyer.

4 Kings Rabbitry gives us a peak inside her extremely organized rabbitry by showing us her binder.

The Rabbit Shepherd shows that even rabbits can be supermodels.

Breeding goals are always important to have in a rabbitry. Hendricks Hearth shares some of theirs.

Rabbit Smarties is back to blogging with her post on the Rocky Syndrome.

The Fuzzy Patch shares some great changes they have planned for their herd.

The Nature Trail shows off an adorable picture of a Smoke Pearl Netherland Dwarf.
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The Hoppin' Circle

Anyways, this is a rabbitry blog circle.

There is a new network for rabbit bloggers called "The Hoppin' Circle".
It's interesting to see what other people do with their rabbitry blogs: photographs, record keeping, and what people do with their rabbitries.  Kinda cool.  Anyways, check it out over here.

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Connie pups - January 30, 2012

This is Connie

She had three pups born

Nice looking pups, they are doing well.

Dad is Torpedo

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